Well here's the truth - something great doesn't just happen to most people. In fact, like it or not, the general majority of our species doesn't even crave something great - and that's fine too. Yet ever since I was young I always had this notion that I'd be set apart from the rest... that "great" was something I'd been born for. In fourth grade I was convinced I was going to discover the world's most amazing dinosaur when I day dreamed (and yes, this is totally true) of being a paleontologist. It wasn't until fifth grade science that I realized I had no skills in science whatsoever and had to move on. The point is that in my life I've always expected what I wanted to just find me sitting and waiting, ready to be scouted - ready to be found. Thirty years in, it hasn't quite happened that way.
So forget this waiting around business. There's living to be done. What I need is a little discipline - enter the blog. I know it seems self-righteous and ego-centric.... and it is.... but it's also a way to document this crazy timeline in my head. It holds me accountable for my own promises - and although I was never likely to win that Oscar, had I been held a little more accountable for my own dreams, there are goals that I might have gotten closer to achieving.
So my goals will come out one by one as I post - and you can follow along if you'd like. By this time next year I truly hope to have made a change for the better in my life and in my patterns. Here's to hoping!
- Kat